Jim received his 200 hour yoga certification in 2009 from the Asana Studio in Golden CO. Living
in Villanueva at the time there was limited opportunity for him to teach so he moved to
Albuquerque where he held classes at the South Valley Community Center, the Albuquerque
Friends meeting house, and Yoga Now.
His most rewarding practice has been with Vietnam Vets and Youth Diversion. In his practice,
he has learned that all yogi’s and yogini’s go to the same spot in their practice, that of
resistance. His belief is that what one does when they meet that resistance in their body
determines whether they have a successful practice or not. If they beat themselves up because
they can’t go as deeply into a posture as the person next to them then they will be less than
successful. If they go to the place of resistance, acknowledge it, and breath into it he believes
that they can then move beyond that resistance. Practiced enough Jim believes that this
process eventually leads to the rewiring of neural patterns and when the yogini then meets
resistance in their life outside of the studio they will automatically stop, acknowledge that
resistance, breath into, and move beyond. This is the philosophy that Jim will be using in his
class on Yoga for Artists, Creatives, Radicals and Community Organizers where yoginis will focus
on moving beyond resistance and connecting with the source of their creativity.
Jim has an Mdiv and an MSW.